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Immersive retreats, experiences and 1:1 coaching to help you reconnect with your wild and wonderful self.


Hosted in the ancient forests of Lancashire, rugged landscapes in the Lake District and hidden glens in the wilds of Scotland


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A journey back to your self, a journey back to the wild! 

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I invite you to join the revival. A revival of your senses. A restoration of your spirit. An awakening to the magic within you. 


Together, we will learn to trust ourselves. To listen deeply. To prioritise our needs. We will commit to living consciously and with intent.


From this powerful place we will invite positive change into our lives. We will live in alignment with our heart’s desires. We will find peace and acceptance.


On your journey back to your wild self, you will reconnect with our precious earth in the most magical and life changing way, opening your heart to the healing and transformative power of nature.


Your guide and host


Hi, I'm Georgie, I'm an empowerment coach and Nature Connection Practitioner. I am on a mission is to empower people to prioritise their needs and personal growth, foster self-awareness, and restore their spirit through nature connection.


I adore creating experiences where people can be their wonderful, authentic selves and feel empowered to live in alignment with their true nature. 





Georgie asked me at the start of the day what I wanted to achieve – and I said I wanted to find my sparkle again. And oh my goodness did that happen. Walking down to the tarn at the end of the day I felt solid and secure – like I had come home to myself. I felt a peaceful sense of calm. But I also felt an inner quiet confidence knowing that I had reconnected with my intuition and therefore myself. I felt tingly with excitement of feeling like “me” once more. And the best thing is, I’m writing this several days after our coaching day and I still feel like that – the inner magic is there within me, and I know it won’t go away.
- Sam -
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“The Wilderness holds answers to more questions than we have yet learned to ask.”

Nancy Newhall

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